For years, that was the way I ended all of my correspondence: "Jesus never fails!"
I love knowing that Jesus is always with me - no matter what! He has the authority and all the power.
He can do anything! His will is perfect and He never fails!
He knows me, better than I know myself. That's why I know that when I pray to Him, He is only going to give me what I really need, which is more of Him. We all need more of Lord Jesus in our thoughts, actions, reactions, plans, schedules, dreams and goals...just Jesus.
We not only stand with Jesus every day right now, but also some day we will stand before Him. He won't fail us on that day either!
It makes pretty simple sense to me...that if we live with, talk with, strive to obey, willingly follow and want to bring glory only to the name of our wonderful, risen Lord Jesus every day here and now, that then we won't have anything to be afraid of on THAT DAY when we stand before Him. What a day that will be!
Paul wanted the Christians of his day to live in the "power of the resurrection". I pray that you will live in the power of His resurrection today, too.
Growing Together for His Glory!
Bro. Wayne
Upcoming Events in the WBA...
Nov. 16 Keith Hamilton (GBC) speaks on New IRS Tax Laws at
Ministers’ Meeting; WBA building 11 am
Nov. 16 Keith Hamilton speaks on Tax Laws for Churches;
WBA building 6:30-8:30 pm. For all church clerks,
treasurers, financial leaders, etc.
Dec. 7 Evangelism Committee meets 10 AM
Dec. 10 Ministers & Wives Christmas Banquet at Royal BC
6:30pm - $15 for individual / $25 for couples.
Please bring a gift ($10 or less) to play “MUSICAL GIFTS”.
Register deadline: Dec. 4!
- 2010 -
Jan. 8-9 Disaster Relief Phase I Training. Royal BC. This is an
official state-wide GBC training event.
Jan. 22-23 “Chainsaw School” Disaster Relief Training at Rockridge
Baptist Assembly, Franklin, Ga. (Phase I Training required!)
Jan. 26 “How to have a winning Sunday School” area-wide
conference at Royal BC. 6:30-8:30 pm.
Jan. 29-30 WBA Vacation Bible School leadership team to Nashville,
(TN). National VBS training.
Feb. 8 Super Evangelism Conference at Northside BC. 7:00-8:30 pm
Feb. 9 Super Evangelism Conference at FBC Moreland 7:00-8:30 pm
(Same conference at each location)
Feb. 26 VBS “Early bird” Directors meeting. 7:00 pm TBA
March 2 WMU Spring Inspiration. 6:30 pm TBA
April 15 Executive Committee meeting. WBA building. 7:00 pm
April 20 Annual Spring Meeting. Living Proof Baptist Church 6:00 pm
April 23 WBAssociational VBS clinic. Royal BC. 6:30-8:30 pm
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